Saudi Arabia Prince Mocked Biden After OPEC Oil Cut?

Biden is ruining America’s relationship with Saudi Arabia. He is proving to be a weak leader who is beholden to special interests. Under his leadership, America is becoming more isolated from the rest of the world.

WH Says Biden Believes Saudi Arabia Sided With Russia After OPEC Oil Cut

The White House said that Biden believes Saudi Arabia has sided with Russia. This followed the Riyadh-led OPEC announcement last time to cut oil production.

WH Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said, “We believe in OPEC’s decision. (Saudi Arabia is) certainly aligning themselves with Russia. Right now, this is not the time to align with Russia, especially with this brutal, unprecedented war they started in Ukraine.”

Jean-Pierre said that Biden was reassessing his relationship with Saudi Arabia. However, she offered no timeline for its review.

John Kirby, National Security Council strategic communications coordinator, echoed Jean-Pierre’s comments. He said, “It’s time to take another look at this relationship… and make sure that it’s serving our national security interests. We’re going to look at this relationship seriously as well as the concerns of members of Congress.”

He added, “70,000 Americans are living in Saudi Arabia right now… not to mention all the other troops we have throughout the region. So, it’s not only in our interest that missile defense in the region become more integrated and cooperative. It’s in the interest of our allies and partners in that part of the world.”

Once again, the dems are ruining our relationship with other countries, just like what they did to China.  

Saudi Arabia Prince Mocked Biden?

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has reportedly mocked Biden in private… while questioning his mental state. This was a move that could fracture US-Saudi relations.

The Wall Street Journal reported that several people inside the Saudi government said the prince preferred President Trump. Moreover, he has seemed unimpressed with Biden since his days as vice president.

Biden refused to talk to Prince Mohammed for over a year. When they did meet in Jeddah in July… it seemed like Biden didn’t want to be there and was uninterested in the policy discussions. The people in the Saudi government said, according to the report.

However, Prince Faisal denied that Prince Mohammed had Privately made fun of Boden. He said, “These allegations made by anonymous sources are entirely false. The kingdom’s leaders have always held the utmost respect for US presidents… based on the kingdom’s belief in the importance of having a relationship based on mutual respect.”

Despite the denial, there’s a chance that Prince Faisal is doing this to protect the image of Prince Mohammed.

Everyone knows that Biden deserves to be mocked.  We in America also mock him as well… but many also fear him since he has too much power as a sitting President.

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